Monday, February 18, 2008

What's a Prupetta?

I was a prupetta. My daughter is a prupetta. Chances are, you know one, too. "Prupetta" is Italian slang for "little meatball" (or at least it is in my grandmother's little village in Calabria!). When I was a round, fat little baby, that's what she called me, and now that Hannah's here, she adopted the nickname (along with many, many others, most of which are, oddly, also foody related).

So why, if I'm no longer a prupetta, is my blog called Prupetta's Kitchen? Because my grandmother and my mother inspired my love of all things food-related, and that's where the nickname originated. Hannah, the reigning Prupetta, is my current inspiration to make meals that take less time day-to-day so I can spend more time with my fledgling little family.

Here's a little inspiration for you -- little miss Hannah, toothless wonder that she is:

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